Recently the engineering manager of a major multinational tyre manufacture sought the help of Visiscope; the purpose being to ascertain the condition of the worm wheel reduction gear boxes of the imported second hand bag-o-matic tyre presses.
These presses were part of a production upgrade of the factory, however the design and location of the reduction boxes in the presses meant that a costly and time delaying strip down exercise might be required.
After completing a contractors safety training session, the Visiscope technicians then set about to undertake NDT inspection of the two reduction box’s. Although the location and design of the reduction box’s hampered direct viewing access, the technicians using a 5 meter long video scope were able to view the gear wheel via the oil fill and drain points.
As a result of this NDT inspection, the factory engineers were able to make the decision to continue with the installation of the presses. The video recorded images of the gear wheels will be retained by the maintenance engineers for comparison assessment at a later date.