HEINE Endoscopes simplify assembly work, location of loose components, evaluation of used or damaged vehicles and much more.
- 6 mm shaft goes through small openings.
- Improved all-round view with super wide-angle optics and 90° direction of view.
- Direction of view: 70°.
- Multi-coated achromatic optics for a brilliant, sharply-focussed image.
- Focus eyepiece: the examiner can work without his glasses (up to ± 2.5 Diop.).
- Bright, white XHL Xenon Halogen light at the tip of the endoscope from a vehicle’s own 12V supply or Accubox I.
- Fully-portable and easy to use.
- Applications: You can examine engines, gearboxes and differentials, manifolds, brakes, clutches, engine bays, chassis, cavities and much more.
- Advantages: Rapid diagnosis without dismantling, improved time management and planning. Reduced costs with increased efficiency and less waste time. More efficient
- parts ordering before dismantling.